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1. Set a goal

You chose "Vowels."

You chose "Diphthongs (two vowel sounds)."

Diphthong (two vowel sounds)

Select a diphthong to practice as your learning objective. The list is not exhaustive, but it contains the sounds that are the hardest to pronounce for native Spanish speakers.

/eɪ/ as in LAKE, ATE and GAME

The sound /eɪ/ in English is pronounced the same way as the letters "ei" or "ey" in Spanish. Spanish words with this sound are: ley, viente, peine, reina.


Possible pronunciation problems

Substituting /eɪ/ for /É›/. For example:

  • Late becomes Let.

  • Paper becomes Pepper.

/oÊŠ/ as in BOAT, NO and GO

​The sound /oÊŠ/ in English is similar to the stressed "ó" in Spanish. Spanish words with this sound are: no, cosa, dólar, habló.


Possible pronunciation problems

Substituting /oÊŠ/ for /ÊŒ/. For example:

  • Coat becomes Cut.

Substituting /oÊŠ/ for /É”/. For example:

  • Bold becomes Bald.

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